Light Called Wisteria
Light Called Wisteria
Hello beautiful ones!
Welcome to my page. I prefer to be recognized as Tabs Soul Tree.
We know that life can seem like a repetitive cycle of waking up, eating, working and sleeping. And that the daily grind can fill our minds and bodies with negative energy and stress. That’s why we created Light Called Wisteria, so our community has a place to return to self-exploration, self-discovery, and sharing a journey with other like-minded individuals.
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About Us
I started on my journey towards the healing arts over a decade ago as a process to begin my own healing. I had suffered from depression for decades and western medicine modalities just weren't working for me. I found that cognitive behavioral therapy and medication simply put a temporary band aid on; and eventually the band aid would fall off and the wound would be aggravated again, and sometimes even infected. I had to get to the bottom of what was causing this emotional wound if it was ever going to stop recurring.
So as I sat awake unable to sleep, I binge watched a show on the Amazon (The River on ABC if any of you remember it), and my soul just knew I had to go to the Peruvian Amazon. And I booked a trip right then. And so my journey began.